Moments ago, heavily-armed RCMP officers advanced on the 500 or so truckers who are blockading the Alberta-Montana border in the town of Coutts, demanding an end to vaccine mandates and lockdowns.

It was a stand-off.

First the truckers sang O Canada.

And then they chanted “freedom!”

All while the black-clad police stared at them.

And then the truckers advanced.

What could the police do?

Try to arrest them all? Shoot them?

In the end, the police turned — and retreated.

Click here, to watch the exclusive footage, filmed by our reporters Syd and K2, the only reporters on the scene:

Help Alberta Truckers

Maybe the police will go back to the negotiating table. As you know, Rebel News is crowdfunding an experienced lawyer, Chad Williamson, to help de-escalate the situation and represent the truckers. (You can help us support Chad’s efforts, by clicking here.)

But as soon as Chad arrived, instead of talking with him, the police abruptly cut off all negotiation, and threatened to arrest all the truckers.

Well, it looks like that didn’t work. Maybe the police will talk to Chad after all.

There’s a big problem here. In democracies, policing only works with the consent of the people. They have to win the trust and respect of the people; and the laws they enforce have to have the consent of the people.

But none of these lockdowns were passed in a normal democratic manner; and never before in Canadian history have health edicts, many of them nonsensical, been enforced by police with guns.

On any other occasion, these 500 truckers would likely be the most pro-police, law-abiding people in the community. But not when the police themselves stopped following our democratic norms.

Something’s got to break. But so far, it’s not the truckers.

We’ll continue to give you updates as the news happens.

If you want to support our journalists, please click here, or visit

And if you want to support Chad and the other lawyers we’ve crowdfunded for the truckers, click here, or visit

I wonder how history will look back on this moment. Will the Battle of Coutts be known as the moment where freedom was reborn in Canada?

We’re about to find out.

Yours truly,

Ezra Levant

P.S. I don’t know what will happen to these truckers. I believe them when they say they’re fighting for all of us. I also realize they are engaged in civil disobedience and they are defying police. It’s a tough one. But it’s easy to support them with a lawyer. Everyone in our society has the right to a lawyer; even the terrorist Omar Khadr had a lawyer. For me, giving these truckers the best lawyer possible is simply a matter of access to justice, and that’s something everyone can get behind. Click here, or go to to help.

P.P.S. Thanks for your support. At Rebel News, our motto is “telling the other side of the story”. I think we’re living up to that.