Email from Keean Bexte ( Counter Signal)

Gary, Erin O’Toole is hours away from being booted from caucus, but it is not a sure thing. That is why I need you to take action today. (Instructions at the end)
While Calgary MP Bob Benzen took a fearless stance today by doubling down on calls to boot Erin O’Toole, the result of tomorrow’s vote remains unclear.

Members of Parliament are weighing their options. Some have cushy jobs under O’Toole, and some just aren’t very brave. They need some encouragement.

You can read about the caucus crisis that was caused by the Freedom Convoy here.

I don’t normally participate in activism as much now that I am the Editor-in-Chief of The Counter Signal, but Erin O’Toole has personally slighted me and anyone who follows independent journalists.

You may remember when he promised to include independent media in his press conferences. That was when he was pretending to be a conservative to steal the top job away from Leslyn Lewis.

Since then, he has not held a single press conference at Parliament Hill not under the explicit authority of Trudeau’s adoring Parliamentary Press Gallery.

Erin O’Toole is a liar, a manipulator, and a Liberal at heart.

That is why I am calling on my readers to email every Conservative MP you can before tomorrow’s critical caucus vote.

Tomorrow’s vote will decide the future of our country. Erin O’Toole will never beat Trudeau, but Pierre Poilievre or Leslyn Lewis might have a shot.

If Erin O’Toole is allowed to remain Leader of Her Majesties Controlled Opposition, Canada will face another decade of darkness under the Trudeau regime.

Don’t get me wrong – I have serious issues with stances the CPC has taken and their history of failing Canadians. That being said – Erin O’Toole heading to the unemployment office is a step in the right direction that needs to happen, whether you support the party or not.

So here is what I need you to do: email every Conservative MP you possibly can, and do it as soon as possible. Call on them to vote in favour of booting Trudeau’s greatest asset: Erin O’Toole.

Here is a secret I learned when I worked in politics – if you want to reach any MP directly, here is their email format:

For example, if you wanted to email Michelle Rempel, you would email Use the subject line “Please vote to fire O’Toole.”

The vote tomorrow will be very close, and MPs need to know what Canadians really think about their leader Erin O’Toole.

Gary, this couldn’t be a more critical moment.

Removing Erin is the first step to removing Trudeau. As long as O’Toole is kicking around as Trudeau’s cheerleader, our country will continue down the dangerous road it is on.
Keep fighting for what is right,

Keean Bexte

By the way: If my coverage of the Freedom Convoy and other national news like this is valuable to you – please go to to help me cover the costs of this growing alternative media operation.

P.S. Email your MP at and call for Erin O’Toole to be fired at the caucus meeting tomorrow. Now is the time to act.

Oh, and please forward this email to your contacts and ask them to do the same.