Over the past month, 90% of this age group are done with any more shots.  Most had two, only a few where shot free.  These are the working Canadians.

Somehow they knew the shots aren’t working as advertised.  Apparently you won’t glean that from the MSM.  The news of the failure is spreading.

I don’t have to do a survey of my age demographic, 65 and older.  They are likely 90% in FAVOUR of every shot offered.  They are the ones driving the jab numbers.

My feeling is that over 50% of the adults are ready to move on.  Thus the massive support for the Truckers Convoy 2022.  The momentum is growing as Canadians see their neighbours come out to support them.  Most Canadians had no idea how we were going to end this tyranny.  They just went along. Not until they see others will they speak up.  The Catalyst was the trucker’s mandate.  Truckers are the lifeblood of Canada.  Huge distances.   It seems that everything comes by truck these days, especially over the last mile.

I thought the GoFundMe donations to the cause would slow down by now.  Not so,  roughly $500,000 a day.    I refresh the page  4-5 times a day.  Incredible!  Imagine if every Canadian who feels that they need a rallying cause, donates just $10,  the numbers could reach $20-30 million.

The next battle is between the unboosted and the boosted.  Wait for it.  it’s coming.   I believe our PHOs are very wary of demanding that third shot.  That would ignite the Centre to abandon the Narrative once and for all.  Mandate exhaustion is here.

The truth is that most of the two shotters have no protection at this point and are essentially at similar risk of Omicron as the vaccine free.   Assuming they haven’t already  had Covid and immunity.

Truck Trudeau!  Let’s go Brandon!