Great piece explaining what I and many others have said a number of times before. Bitcoin is worthless dog crap. I am glad I saw this today as it reminded me of listening in my car yesterday to a guest “crypto” expert on Bloomberg make the most ridiculous comment. I was so incensed with the stupidity of it I almost drove off the road. The idiot was responding to a question from the host about the recent selloff in Bitcoin and all the rest of the cryptos and this clown was talking about how the “fundamentals” of Bitcoin were great and positive. I was screaming at the radio, “you f-ing moron, cryptos have NO fundamentals”! They aren’t stocks or real estate or debt or anything that has a cash flow or income stream. IT IS JUST A PONZI SCHEME. You buy because you expect some other idiot to buy it from you at a higher price somewhere down the road!