“The CDC made a decision to balance what’s good for public health at the same time as keeping the society running…”

“Instead of simply admitting “Omicron is a game-changer which may end the Pandemic faster than any vaccine,” health officials worldwide have been quietly rolling back Covid policies just enough to keep people vigilant (still get boosted!) – while seemingly encouraging its rapid spread.

To be clear, after two years of ‘triple masking’, social distancing, and shunning unvaxxed family members, we’re now officially at ‘get on with your life after five days even if you’ve got symptoms’:”



NOTE” None of this solves the “hate-on” being pursued by Fauci & Co, towards the unvaxxed including those that have natural immunity via prior infection. They may be looking for an “out” on the vaccines that DO NOT WORK but they desperately need DIGITAL PASSPORTS to enable TPTB to control every aspect of citizens lives. As a society, we must demand a return to natural freedom and not a piecemeal solution where pieces can be added or removed at will,,,,,,,, and this included Fauci and company being charged and tried for “crimes agains’t humanity”. By ignoring mulitple medical treatments available for COVID and only on vaccines that DO NOT WORK, his like have condemned millions to death. That is millions of fathers, mothers, grandparents and childrenthat have died needlessly for reasons from arrogance to company ownership & patents. Health officials must NEVER be given unelected and unchallengeable authority again!!!!