I have to believe that with all the good technicians and chartists out there, I am not the only one seeing the incredible set-up in front of us. Regardless if you are a raging bull here, as I am, or you have been bearish and are looking for an oversold bounce, as some have posted, the charts are screaming that the miners are going higher starting either today, more likely tomorrow or no later than Tuesday. I place 25% likelihood for today or Tuesday and 50% for tomorrow. Look at the charts of almost any gold, silver, ETF and or index and you see numerous inverse H&S patterns, lots of symmetry and counts that lead me to this conclusion. While we can debate in the days and weeks to come how long and how high this move goes, it is crystal clear a sizeable upside move begins imminently.PS: I am stressing the actual charts and trading action for this conclusion so spare me any system people who are going to say the economy or some cycle or wave count or other theory says it is too early or too late for a bullish move at this time. I am not interested in people’s long term calls or theories here, just look at what the charts are saying for the next few days, weeks, possibly months.