This set up for gold and especially silver is so obvious and so compelling. Regardless if you were or are bearish or were or are bullish for the medium to longer term, the time for a rally is now. I and a few others have posted in the last few days that this is the breakout from the year long correction in the ongoing bull market for gold and silver. Others, have and will say it is just a bounce in an ongoing downtrend. That debate can resume after this leg higher takes place. For now, the charts, the technicals, the sentiment and the set up, say Buy. Either today, tomorrow or by Friday, gold and particularly silver should be rocketing higher. Pay close attention to the four down days last week(while gold was actually working higher). It has re-taken that ground in this week’s first two days. It would be expected and normal, if some slight pullback and or churning were to occur for a day or two, but don’t count on it. Silver is so strong and the action so potentially explosive that I wouldn’t count on the move above 24, which will lead to 26-26.50, being restrained for more than one or two days. It’s right in front of you. Don’t whiff!