Seems like Full Panic in the First Country to be essentially Fully Vaxxed

New Draconian Measures are levelled against non Vaxxed ( Passports Again )

….Why ?….

Because the Vaccines don’t work worth a damn….Makes sense to punish those who knew right ?

“Talking with Channel 13 TV News on August 5, Dr. Kobi Haviv, medical director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem said that “85 to 90 percent of the hospitalizations are in fully vaccinated people,” and “95 percent of the severe patients are vaccinated.” Herzog Hospital specializes in nursing care for the elderly.”

Meanwhile …this order is for all vaxxed and unvaxxed

In addition, people are required to wear masks indoors in public places as well as at outdoor events with over 100 people. The Israeli government will also be rolling out an anti-hugging and anti-kissing campaign as part of its strategy to curb the rising COVID-19 cases.

If you think the Government can control a Virus…You are a Covidiot !