From a Goldtenter ( Updated with Response from Pidgeon )

With Comments

The thing is, this chart of mine is a 24 month beast. A breakdown here will be death if it happens. Does that even make sense in this world of wild money printing, shortages and incremental inflation? Not to me it doesn’t. Support on this chart is very solid. I bought a whack of GDX calls dirt cheap yesterday and expect to do VERY well. Like thirty baggers or better if we get the reversal I anticipate. If there was ever a time to make a low risk strategic bet on gold miners then this is that time because negativity is overwhelming.

The thing is, this chart of mine is a 24 month beast. A breakdown here will be death if it happens. Does that even make sense in this world of wild money printing, shortages and incremental inflation? Not to me it doesn’t. Support on this chart is very solid. I bought a whack of GDX calls dirt cheap yesterday and expect to do VERY well. Like thirty baggers or better if we get the reversal I anticipate. If there was ever a time to make a low risk strategic bet on gold miners then this is that time because negativity is overwhelming.

All the best to you as always. Please post. Maybe Plunger will see the light.