“The Great Pivot: This was rolled out in the Washington Post as they looked at the CDC slide deck and said the CDC is going to have to pivot from its messaging before and do it in public view and its going to be extremely difficult for them to do that in terms of public policy. What it amounts to is we can all see the lies now, they are transparent, there was a leaked slide deck. This is why Erin Burnett just lost her cookies the other day on her show as the press is coming to terms with the fact that they’re lied to repeatedly and they’ve had this party line pushed at them and they bought it hook, line, and sinker. Those that aren’t dependent on Toni Fauci’s money have been speaking out saying no no no, this isn’t right. There’s no surprise here as far as I’m concerned. Now the government that’s been promoting this noble lie strategy where the vaccines are perfect, they have no adverse events, they can get us to herd immunity, all of that has be known to be false. Now they got to confront the fact they’ve been caught in a lie.” – Dr. Robert Malone