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Here ARE A COUPLE OF Good Articles


The White House’s war on COVID-19 “misinformation” took a major hit last week when Ben Wakana, Deputy Director of Strategic Communications & Engagement of the White House COVID-19 Response Team, lambasted the liberal-friendly New York Times and Washington Post for their tweets about COVID-19 transmission for the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated. The New York Times tweeted that an internal CDC report said that the Delta variant “may be spread by vaccinated people as easily as the unvaccinated,” to which Wakana retweeted and wrote (in ALL CAPS, MIND YOU), “Vaccinated people do not transmit the virus at the same rate as unvaccinated people and if you fail to include that context you’re doing it wrong.” The Washington Post tweeted, “Vaccinated people made up three-quarters of those infected in a massive Massachusetts covid-19 outbreak, pivotal CDC study finds,” to which Wakana retweeted and wrote, “Completely irresponsible…virtually all hospitalizations and deaths continue to be among the unvaccinated. Unreal to not put that in context.” Such a public scolding of reliable, mainstream allies, at least when it comes to the war against “misinformation” and pushing the White House messaging on COVID-19 vaccines, feels like a whole lotta dissension in the ranks. CNN also launched a conflicting zinger that led to a barrage of confusion in the Twitter comments when they wrote, “Vaccination alone won’t stop the rise of variants and in fact could push the evolution of strains that evade their protection, researchers warned. They said people need to wear masks and take other preventative steps until almost everyone is vaccinated.” Um…, what? One can almost feel the sweat sliding down the backs of fact-checkers as their fingers quiver above keyboards, while the “Disinformation Dozen” surely had a field day of I-told-you-so.