Some argue  that corporations have the right to censor their users posts. Thats like allowing the phone company or the electric company  to cut off your service if they don’t agree with your point of view. If you are one of the large social media platforms, you have basically become a public utility. You don’t get to pick and choose who gets to use your service(especially as a large publically traded business, not some mom and pop store who technically can refuse to serve you if they so choose.) This is especially true after the supreme court ruling (I disagree with giving corporations rights that were assigned to citizens by the constitution and bill of rights) that said corporations are covered by free speech protections in allowing them to give money to politicians to reflect their free speech. Absolute nonsense that magnifies the level of corruption in US politics. Corporations shouldn’t be able to use free speech in giving contributions to candidates and then turn around and impinge on their customers’ free speech by censoring those who they don’t agree with.