one of many stories from my private physician Facebook forum….

41 year old female with history of type two diabetes mellitus, medullary sponge kidney, hypothyroid, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea who was reasonably stable until 24 hours after her second Covid vaccination when she starts experience some shortness of breath and increased work of breathing and fatigue. Initially thought to be side effect of the vaccination but work up over the last four months time is now revealed Left sided heart failure with ejection fraction of 18%. She had no previous echocardiogram or other imaging as there is not a previous need. Exercise tolerance was normal prior to this point. ??Right sided heart Kath was normal. Left sided heart Cath pending. Cardiac MRI reveals normal valves and normal vasculature. Left ventricle dilated. Ejection fraction calculated at 18%.

Meds not particularly revealing. She had started Actos about one week prior to the vaccination but it was discontinued shortly there after without any improvement in symptoms. Pulmonary evaluation was negative or four pulmonary embolism. She’s not a smoker. Does not use alcohol. Has not been any chemotherapy other agents.

Only new event was covid vaccine. Pfizer.

Covid testing negative thus far.