He’s free! Pastor Artur Pawlowski will be out of jail within hours!

You’ll recall Pastor Artur was arrested in a shocking SWAT team raid while he was driving home from Church on Saturday. It was outrageous — a Christian pastor, forced to kneel in the middle of a highway with his hands over his head, while heavily armed police held him down and cars whizzed by at high speeds.

In the 48 hours since then, millions of people around the world watched the video images of Pastor Artur’s arrest — and many people chipped in to crowdfund a top legal team to help him.

I’m delighted to report that thanks to those efforts, moments ago a court in Calgary, Canada granted Pastor Artur bail.

Thank you for helping to make that possible.

However, he’s not out of the woods yet. He’s just out on bail — he still has the trial ahead of him. And remember: the Calgary Police have a long-standing vendetta against Pastor Artur. They’ve ticketed him literally dozens of times. I’m sure they’re going to try to “get” him in some other way.

So we have to stand on guard.

I promise we will — both journalistically and legally.

Rebel News