We know that for the last few years(and probably a lot longer than that) politics has been all about advancing a particular agenda or set of agendas. Covid was planned years in advance to first, get rid of Trump as President, and to implement socialist programs making  much of the US population dependent on government. We saw in last months CPI and PPI numbers the first acknowledged signs that inflation is out of control. Even then the FED and administration are trying to have their cake and eat it as well. They try to say the inflation is “transitory” so they can keep inflating the stock market bubble, but they want inflation to get hot to support the administration’s goal of implementing additional stimulus, including their main goal of getting eventually to universal basic income. Because of that, they actually want to create a short term hyperinflationary environment with soaring food and energy costs. They will use that to say they have to help everyday “families” by providing more and regular payments to keep citizens fed and housed. Expect this coming week’s numbers to be as bad or worse than last month, creating a possible surge in gold and silver . That could lead  the FED to talk about future tightening of policy, and cause the stock market and the metals to sell off sharply if interest rates have a short term spike higher.