Is anyone else experiencing this?
My friend in Toronto (a retired psychiatric nurse, who is not taking the shot) has been telling me that, ever since January, people she barely knows have been asking her “are you going to get the vaccine?” or “have you had your vaccine yet?”
I told her I considered myself fortunate that no one was asking me those kinds of things. But that all changed a couple weeks ago. I am now having people I barely know asking me “did you get your vaccine yet?”
Jeez. Since when did it become de rigeur to ask people about their personal medical decisions? I have been responding with a scornful “no, why would I?” But I am thinking instead that the following might be more a propos:
Man: Have you had your vaccine yet? Me: No. Have you had your annual prostate exam yet?
When people ask me such a stupid question, I tell them: “First, it is not a vaccine, it is an experimental drug. Second, only an idiot would take that shot. Does that answer your question?”
OMG I love it! Our mayor is a real wanker. I hope I see him on the street and he asks me so that I can give him this exact answer. Thanks silverboom 🙂
You are most welcome. My wife hates my confrontational presentation of truth…
People are absolutely horrified that I am not getting Jabbed but not as horrified as I am that they fell for the hard sell sales pitch. I should say, “I’m sorry to hear that” and walk away.
All great comments. I suggest linking several Corbett reports that have been taken down on YouTube but can be viewed on bit chute.
Start with this one the first half is so so but the second half has all the info. Clearly Bill Gates is a psychopath, just check out his body language
I think it helps to come across as more informed than many when addressing this question (rather than merely expressing your contempt).
Its not an “it”. Its a “they” as they are not all the same. There are others in the pipeline, that do fit the vaccine definition. I’m not sure whether they are drugs or not.
“First, the ones being pushed are not vaccines. They are experimental gene therapies. Vaccines as we know them are in the pipeline but they take time to develop and test for safety. These haven’t been.” And then hit them with, “Do I look like a guinea pig to you?”
And this will be my “polite” response. Thanks Pedro!
What vaccines are in the pipeline? So far they haven’t been able to grow covid in a petri dish – step number one.
Yeah, sure, I’ve tried being polite. I’ve tried presenting facts, evidence, asking questions. These people are totally brainwashed with fear. Never seen anything like it, hope I never do again. As my wife said this afternoon, it is suddenly clear how Hitler accomplished what he did.
The only way their minds get changed is if they discover truth themselves. Period.
There is a guy on FB I have a lot of respect for. Very smart. Logical thinker. Very good writer. Has the political stuff down pat. Solid. Ran for and won the chairmanship of the republican party in the area where he lives. Laid down some outstanding ground rules. Won by a landslide.
Today, he announced how much he is suffering from his second “vaccine” shot.
I let him have it. A high and mighty asshole in my book. I told him he did not get a vaccine, he got an experimental drug. I asked him how someone so smart could be so easily duped. As in stupid. He is up to his eyeballs in all of this historical political stuff, but can’t see through a window to the truth about covid. Expressed my disappointment in him – would not want him running any political office if he is this stupid. Gave him the links I posted today.
Crickets. Polite, hell. These people need to be horsewhipped. They are complicit in the stealing of our freedom and liberty, and support the overreach of government AT ALL LEVELS. They are suckers. And deserve to be treated as such.
Shunned, disdained, ridiculed. Heap it on, like burning coals.
Do you think the patriots of 17716 were polite to the British?? Give me break…
This is war. Start acting like it.
Make that “1776”
My guess is the pick up in nosing into other people’s business is at the prompting of their smartphone masters – goog/FB/Twit.
Karens, please be advised – to do your part for humanity and get past Covid, you must convey the fear which we have sold you to your fellow citizens so that they too must be fearful and get the shot ….. you may now return to your normally scheduled programming.
Lean in real close and say “Pardon me. I can’t hear you through your damn mask”. They usually back away quickly. They act aggressively, but they’re a very timid lot.
They are screaming cowards.
How about this for a polite response:
You realize you are complicit in the undermining of the freedom and liberty our forefathers fought and died for? You realize you are endorsing the use of fear to get you to do things you would not normally do if you were in your right mind? Do you realize that Hitler used the same tactics to get all of Germany to go along with his madness? Do you realize you have bought into a lie, that simple consumption of vitamin D and zinc and magnesium would guarantee that you would avoid severe symptoms even if you did catch covid? Do you realize that WHO and multiple other health and scientific organizations around the world have determined masks are useless, a complete waste of time? Do you realize that you are a tool of people who are determined to destroy all that makes life worth living?
Is that polite enough for you???
I’m afraid it could be too late for Canada and The US. We are a dying demographic. They don’t teach history in schools and if they do, it’s not about the founding of the nation. Has been two generations that are now coming into power. They do not value freedom and liberty as we do.
All true. Robert F Kennedy drew a parallel between Hitler’s tactics and those of the organizations you mentioned. Unfortunately the sheeple would never listen. They blindly follow whatever their doctors and/or governments recommend. They throw around words like “the science”.
I have simply cut certain people loose. Husband has told his hiking club “it’s time we parted company for good”, because they espouse the belief that masks are effective and everyone should get vaxxed.
Perhaps we could start a new poll: who has permanently lost long term friendships over differences in Covid beliefs?
It’s not just covid – it’s this blind belief in government and authority. I’d say I’ve cut loose a good half dozen folks I would not cross the street to say “hi” to. Most recent is a couple in Ontario. Simply cannot believe they have drunk the kool-aid after berating Trudeau’s idiocy for the last two years. Now they are “true believers” and I wouldn’t answer the phone if they called. Covid “beliefs” are not limited to covid. It goes far deeper and broader than that.