I live in a Rural County. Lockdowns were lifted last week and everything is open ( with limits)

We have a restaurant and Inn in another Rural County …The 2 Counties border…everything was opened up for a week and now back to lockdown, Ordered by the local chief “medical” officer because in the extreme north of the area there have been a handful of variants.

So Restaurants were up an running..ordered supplies , rehired staff and now a week later they pull the plug again with little warning.

There are roads running between these 2 counties .

A restaurant on the east side of the road has to close but one on the west side is open .

I guess these Covidiot “medical” officers think the Virus will respect County Borders .

Why did the Virus Cross the Road ?


PS…The Kansas City Chiefs are under attact for thier nickname…but we continue to call these Covidiots “Chiefs ?”…Isn’t that an insult to Chiefs ?