Poll: apparently
there are some Tent members who are NOT reading the outstanding postings regarding the Covid scam. Anyone who believes (not “thinks”) that the Canadian government is acting about right, or not enough, obviously is allergic to truth.
2 voters at this point went FULL C-tard. Never go full C Tard guys.
I don’t think the poll mentioned which government. There could be some folks from Florida or Sweden voting on their own government. Also, anyone exposed to the MSM even marginally is likely to be a little confused about Covid. Even on Twitter there’s plenty of anti-lockdown people who think the mRNA injections are a vaccine that will help people instead of killing them.
There’s a wide range of influences out there and some are really deceptive depending on who you think is trustworthy. It takes time for people to really come to grips with how hollow and evil the Covid restrictions are and the governments behind them.