• Basel III rules come into effect  March 2021
  • Currently, paper gold is not a 1st tier asset. Only fully allocated physical bullion that has no counterparty risk attached that qualifies as a first-tier asset.  
  • The new rules will require a provable 1:1 ratio of fully allocated gold reserves, with no counterparty risk. Under Basel III rules, every central bank will be able to revalue its physical reserves higher, from a current 50% haircut into a fully cash exchangeable asset.
  • Central banks will be able to pay off massive swathes of debt by revaluing gold. According to the precious metals expert, gold would not only act as a cash asset, but would also behove central banks to revalue the dollar price of gold.
  • What does this mean for the gold?
  • Basel III rules will lead to a sanctioned gold reevaluation, while ultimately driving a more physical market. 
