I can’t remember the last time I shorted a stock. It has to be over twenty years ago and I only did it two or three times. At least once was actually short against the box(when you are long the stock) and just want to lock in your profit until the next tax year before liquidating your position. Since options trading began on the CBOE in 1973 with puts coming awhile after that introduction of calls, there is almost no excuse for shorting as opposed to using puts. With puts you limit your risk to your investment and no one can demand that you return the stock that you borrowed to go short. The only reason to short is if it is a small, illiquid stock that doesn’t trade options and that is the most likely case where just as you are about to be profitable on your position, either the broker or clearing agent for the borrowed shares is likely to screw you over by demanding the stock be delivered back. Stay away from shorting, use put options instead.