“If safety requires us to indefinitely forfeit the most valuable parts of our lives, what exactly are we trying to save?”
Dr. Joe Mercola lays it all out here in one post. This is the one to send to family and Friends
That link is broken and does not link to anything.
I couldn’t read it either. I’ll issue ad hoc comments.
As people like James Corbett (of the Reports) might point out, our purpose is seen to be somewhere between plaything and tool for the supposed elites (feces floating on top). I keep coming back to Marx and Engels, who used different language – where those who owned nothing – or were in the process of being made to owning nothing of importance – were to be kept alive just to the extent felt necessary by the ruling classes, which meant those associated with increasingly concentrated Capital.
I always knew that technology – to include psychology and propaganda, broadly speaking – was potentially nightmare stuff if allowed to develop faster than real democracy, to develop without control from below. I never dreamed it would happen this fast. This breakout of NWO, Covid1984, extreme and blatant election fraud in the US, acceleration of censorship and extreme distortion etc is nightmare of nightmares.
Sorry for being so pessimistic on what should be such a delightful day.
It’s everything. It’s the vaccines. It’s the censorship – seen here with the broken link and many places. In my own case there are certain things that are – not pleasant I won’t go into, but in the long run you never know whether it is good to keep your head farther down or bring it up more. I am not exactly optimistic about my own presumably tenuous position.
This Nashville thing is extremely bad. I think we almost all know something was going to happen. This sort of thing is the worst. It typically helps THE WORST elements of all factions. It’s as if all the psychopaths of “left”, “right”, or whatever if they could would take a time out and give each other high fives because now they can have excuses to do all sorts of worse stuff, and all sorts of authoritarian statists “left” and “right” will feel they have carte blanche. There may be exceptions, but this stuff is pretty much never good.
Lenin, if you have read what I have written closely, is my idea of in some ways the single worst person of the 20th century, the #1 counterrevolutionary among other things from my perspective. But he was brilliant. I hate citing him, but I will. At some point he wrote that terroristic acts are typically not productive. If the population at large is not behind them, they don’t help the cause because they don’t increase support. If the population is behind them they are unnecessary because the cause is already strong. In other words, there is little legitimate reason for them even for the calculating Lenin, who acted as if ice water rather than blood ran in his veins. They just cause trouble and more trouble. They are just about purely horrible.
It is just turning a dreadful dreadful year far worse when there is a massive terroristic incident in the US. And on Christmas.
Oh, Happy New Year.