Not only has there never been a successful corona virus vaccine made, they’ve been trying for 50 years!  They all have the same problem, for some strange reason peculiar to corona viruses, they make you extremely vulnerable to the virus instead of extremely resistant.  They make the virus more dangerous.  Pathogenic priming is the term, I think.

They fail in the early phase of animal testing…

They fail in the early phase of animal testing…

They fail in the early phase of animal testing…

Did I mention they fail in the early phase of animal testing?

The Covid-19 vaccine has skipped this phase.  But they haven’t really skipped the animal testing phase, we’re the animal testing phase.

33% death rate when animals were exposed to the real virus –the one the vaccine was supposed to protect them from.

But hey, we all feel lucky this year don’t we?  What could go wrong?  What has always gone wrong with corona virus vaccines?

I’m not afraid of lockdowns and masking and economic destruction anymore, I’m afraid of this vaccine.  It’s permanent, unlike other kinds of vaccines.  It makes permanent changes to your cells to make them produce the vaccine.  Lockdowns might be temporary but the vaccine is permanent.

Dr. Cahill says it better.  Here’s a 40 second highlight from Twitter:

Full 2.5 hr video on YouTube below.

She’s involved in all sorts of other good things too.  I call her the St. Patricia of Ireland.  Driving the snakes away once more.