My eyes are bleeding from reading all of the whistle blowers, state politicians, columnists, and editors and pundits revealing more and more and more fraud in this “election”  for the last solid hour. And despite whistleblowers and hard evidence and science and statistics substantiating the stealing of the election from Trump, NOTHING will happen.

No stinking judges, no stinking politicians, no stinking DOJ, no stinking FBI, no military generals, no prosecutors, no patriots will do ANYTHING to slam these rotten crooks in jail. NOTHING will happen.

And I just finished listening to the coup de grace speech by our president, Donald Trump. Can anyone in their right mind imagine anyone in the democrat party – now the marxist party of the USA – being capable of giving a speech like that? The idea that democrats walk around using up valuable oxygen is almost more than this poor sod can stand.

Just can’t take any more. Gonna disappear for awhile, guys. See ya on the other side…..