The Hungarian Trump
Victor Orban
This guy has been villified in the MSM Press for years as some kind of fascist Dictator ( Sound familiar ?)
Which makes me think he is a great Leader. Now I know he is
He is calling out one Geo. Soros ( Himself an Hungarian )
Not many of these types of leaders have this kind of gumption….You Go Victor
+1, and other western bloc countries such as Poland’s fight against cultural marxism.
The usual Guardian editorializing (selling the NWO argument) but still informative of the fight against globalism there.
Fully, you might have missed this short excerpt from Trump’s speech to the UN in 2019 but it’s a good one. Less than 2 minutes of your time.
Yup. Following Orban for a few years now.
He refused EU’s command to allow vast numbers of illegal immigrants ferried over from Tunisia (via ‘scheduled’ charters) to Italy, to then be granted residency in Hungary.
And yeah, he’s made a few great speeches that are worth taking to heart, in the context of that.
Hungarians are known for their epic ability to curse creatively .. I would love to be able to fully appreciate some of his off the record remarks too, I’m sure.