The article linked below is very encompassing and covers numerous points about Bitcoin, digital currencies in general and possible price forcasts. I want to see if Bitcoin makes a double top near it’s 2017 highs or breaks through to uncharted territory. What I will never understand is why people trust something with no intrinsic value. Speculate on the basis of momentum and greater fool theory, fine for a small piece of ones portfolio. But believe in it having actual real value like Gold, not me. Might as well use tulip bulbs(believe they tried that once) or why not edible mushrooms or truffles? At least you can eat them. zerohedge.com/crypto/jpmorgan-admits-it-was-wrong-about-end-bitcoin-bull-run-renews-140000-plus-price-forecast
My long term target for BTC is $300,000 or about 16 times uplift
For ETH it is $20,000 or about 40 times uplift
For XRP it is 250 times uplift
Does it matter if you agree with idea or not, if there is a potential 40 times or 250 times uplift on the table?
How can we buy ETH or XRP, Spock? I chart Bitcoin but have never invested in it. Like a lot of people I thought that first bubble burst was the end and never paid much attention again until recently when it broke out. Maybe you have time for a mini-primer for those of us who are new to it?…….maybe
Travis Kimmel
Is Bitcoin actually a negative yielding bond (with defined supply), just without a sovereign?
17 tweets in thread
The article implies China is the Sovreign.