Unanswered Questions?
Where are Robert Woodward and Carl Bernstein? Yes, they are both still alive. However, the questions asked in this ZH piece about the lack of main stream media interest in answering any of them, goes to the heart of the matter. You can be sure that the “famous Watergate duo” would be howling from the roof tops if the shoe was on the other foot and it was President Trump and the Republicans who had just stolen the election from the Democrats. No, these guys are both hard core deep state mouthpieces and because they hate Trump, would never actually do any reporting, investigative or otherwise. Whatever awards and recognition they received for their Watergate stories are totally tarnished and prove they were and still are just a couple of political hacks! https://www.zerohedge.com/political/why-challenging-suspicious-election-results-threat-our-democracy
Good Question…these guys are a fraud
They are a total fraud. Here is what so few seem to understand. Watergate was the Deep state takedown of President Nixon. Woodward/Bernstein were the conduits to this process. Recall what drove this process.. remember? It was deep throat, he directed the process through information disclosures. You may know that just a few years ago see-throat revealed his identity. And yes he was the #2 guy in the FBI…. oh really. So nothing has really changed.