From another thread ”

Here is the list of advertisers on Fox. Call them and let them know you will not buy from them. I just sold my Pfizer stock!
Procter and gamble, Amazon, Kraft, Pfizer, Best Buy, Sandals, Pet Smart, Liberty Mutual, Allstate, Progressive, Verizon, Abbott, General Motors, Carvana, Noom, Novartis.

I am calling to let them know I will not support them if they are going to support Socialism and Fox is doing that right now. We must stand and fight all of us can make a difference but we 71000000 must stand together and make this happen. God bless you all

World Federation for Advertisers is the main company that is in charge of the Advertising for these and so many more companies. Their email address is or they are located in Brussels Phone number is 3225025740 or Singapore 6569116952 They have this website that tells every company that they have supporting the fake news media… Call email and stop using their brands to stop Socialism in America and the world!!!

Fox news contact number and email