Having followed the precious metals markets for almost 50 years, I have learned that they usually correct in the fall and seem to always be a buy right around Thanksgiving. I have stated this in a number of posts and comments over the last couple of months. What I didn’t know, and never really did any significant research into, is why that was so. I just read the following article by someone I don’t remember if I have read anything from before. He does a fantastic job of explaining why this seasonality seems to work out most years. Once again showing that the charts and history can offer patterns that work, even though you don’t know why. This just reinforces my analysis that the bottom may be in(I think there is still some downside left) but the real upside in gold and silver is unlikely to begin before Thanksgiving.    https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2020-10-26/golds-buy-season-coming