Did someone say More Charts ?
Here is a sample of what Rambus members see all day every day

Rambus does focus much of his attention on the Precious Metals Markets ( because as he always says they produce some of the best pure Chartology patterns of all the sectors) . However he is not as hyper focused only there as most of us are .

Rambus can spot where the trends are in any Market and he is not “above” trading impulse moves wherever they show up.

Have a look and you will see what he has been telling his subscribers for a LONG time.

If you are frustrated with gains in your PM Portfolio you may want to reconsider and put part of your accounts in these other sectors under Rambus’ Guidance.


From the Wizard of Rambus.

If one can empty their head from all the fundamental reasons why the stock markets can’t go up you might surprise yourself by what you actually see with the price action alone. I’ve said this so many times in the past that I sound like a broken record, ” we are playing a game of psychological warfare more than anything else. If 2020 doesn’t make you question your beliefs in fundamentals then nothing will. The US stock markets have been in a secular bull market since the 2009 crash low and not even a worldwide pandemic can stop it. That should tell you all you need to know. All the best…Rambus
