Because it matter who owns your portfolio, doesn’t it? How likely is it that tax rates, not to mention the whole concept of private property itself, will remain as it is if the current authoritarian “emergency” powers that governments have taken upon themselves are not removed? How likely is it that governments will give up such incredible powers without at least a constitutional challenge in the courts? Will you bet your portfolio on it? You are right now.

How are you going to even trade if you don’t have internet access or access to your personal banking? All of these, and any other freedoms we now take for granted could be taken from us if your status in society revolves around your Covid-19 vaccination status and a vaccine passport. Not likely to happen, you may say. But being banned from working, going to restaurants, shopping or even leaving your house to go for a walk wasn’t likely for anyone living in Melbourne, Australia last year. “Things not likely” are likely to happen to all of us, soon.

Here’s my take on Goldtent, which I’ve been visiting for over five years now. It now has a second theme. It will go away when this authoritarian threat called “covid-19” goes away or… when this sort of free speech –on PM trading as well as politics– is taken away.  They’ve already got a vaccine for free speech.  It could be the first to go.

I’ve heard recently a number of people reminiscing about their lives in such places as communist Hong Kong, Ceausescu’s Romania, and Fascist Italy during the war. They all mentioned how much the current increases in surveillance, personal restrictions, free speech opposition, mandatory bylaws and ridiculous fines have reminded them of life back in the “old country.” Covid-19 isn’t taking us forward, it’s taking us backward and these three people know exactly what that kind of life is like. One was a woman in Toronto commenting on temperature scanning and facial recognition cameras being used at the entrance to a grocery store in Toronto, Canada, not Hong Kong which she gladly left years ago. The other was a German neurologist who emigrated from Romania commenting on mandatory masking and other personally oppressive rules which took her on a walk down memory lane. The last is a Constitutional laywer, Rocco Galati, currently suing the Canadian federal and Ontario provincial governments for a number of Covid-19 related crimes. His father used to tell him all sorts of stories about growing up in fascist Italy under Il Duce, Mussolini.

Over the years I’ve come to see Fullgoldcrown as a very reasonable and sensible man. Trust his judgment on this one, this is an important issue for everyone including PM traders. But, if you don’t find those posting interesting, or find them annoying, is it too hard to just skip them? I’ve been skipping the postings on bonds for years. What’s posted here on Goldtent regarding Covid-19 forms what I would say are the best links on the subject and the easiest way to keep up with this topic which I would think ought to concern everyone who has any personal wealth.