Some Common Sense from the National Post ( Canadian MSM Newspaper )
Slowly I turn…step by step …inch by inch
duh…it’s not rocket science…You cannot stop a virus ( if there even is one) which is airborne spread and .01 microns in width…..NO CAN DO !
“If you had done nothing, it would all be over by now. It would have been absolutely horrendous but it would be over. It wouldn’t even have been completely lunatic to do nothing.”
My hunch is that what they “did” didn’t really change anything. The virus spread during the lockdown anyway. They say “absolutely horrendous” but I don’t see how Covid-19 could ever have horrifying effects, it’s not deadly enough. The effect on the old and dying has already happened because those kind of people live in communal settings and all those communities have been already exposed. That’s where the vast majority of deaths will occur. The kind of people who dodged the virus during the initial outbreak in April and are left to be exposed will have an extremely low death rate. What the lockdown actually did was protect the strong and expose the weak. The goal of isolating those who are vulnerable to death didn’t happen for the reason you mention, they couldn’t stop it from reaching old folks homes and thereafter spreading through them.
I suspect we will never see a return to any sort of substantial death rate for years because the high death rate cohort is now either immune or dead. It really is over, I think, as far as deaths are concerned in Ontario at least. None of my relatives believe me. They’re all still drinking the koolaid and saying things like, the lockdown made it no worse than flu, and, the year’s not over yet, we have no idea what the final death rate will be. If only there was a way to freeze people’s heads and fill the cavities there as painlessly as we do with their teeth.
Same here Tim
Tell them anything that goes against MSM fear mongering and the get angry or just clam up and walk away
There is only 1 word we need ..Sweden
They were no worse than most of Europe and the US and South America and no masks no lockdown..just reasonable precautions…life went on and goes on almost normal…
All of the other “proof” tends to go over their heads
I am still waiting for the dozen copies of the Book False Alarm…I think that will help.