CRT is a philosophy of hyper-racialization that looks to radically transform our “inherently racist” society, including children. Under CRT, Martin Luther King’s dream is abolished, as racial identification is mandatory, and white children are taught self-loathing and black children to embrace victimhood. Like a religion, it is unfalsifiable, elevates subjective experience above objective reality, and crumbles under intellectual scrutiny.
Fully’s Comment :
Deleted: There is Only One Alternative IF YOU VALUE your Children’s Minds and their Souls .
Deleted: Private / Home Schooling…where YOU decide the Curriculum and participate in your own child’s Emotional Spiritual Mental and Social Developments …with or without the assistance of a well paid happy to have a great job.. Teacher. Find some like minded families and start your own One Room Schoolhouse. Ideally you hook up with like minded and multi ethnic / racial families…but whatever group you have there will be a tight bond forever.
Teachers, academics, parents and politicians that support this self-hating and victim-embracing ideology are doing a great disservice to young minds. They are being used by the Marxists to indoctrinate these kids. Seeing everything through the lens of race is myopic. How about teaching the kids that yes there is black, white, yellow etcetera but beneath the cultural veneer we are more alike than different. Over years of teaching multi-racial classes in Toronto, I could plainly see that the sense of humour, the love of family, the dreams, and the many other human characteristics that we shared were far deeper that the ethnic differences between us.
Wow North..
Beautifully said .
Those young students were fortunate to have a teacher such as you.
Pass it On folks from a voice of experience
The victim in this scenario is the person that eventually believes they are in fact hated and internalizes the victimhood message to in turn become another accusing agent (this cycle has no skin color, sex or religion).
Great insight North, might replace ….a disservice to young minds… to poisoning them. IMO, even the downstream deceived (however foolish or unwitting) should not be excused for spreading the poison.