
Jordan Hall, Publisher of the Montana Daily Gazette, which was quoted above, gave an excellent summary of “The Great Coronavirus Panic Of 2020.”

* The government response to COVID-19 has done far more damage than the virus itself.
* Far fewer have died exclusively from COVID-19 than is regularly reported.
* Far more have had COVID-19 than we were led to believe.
* The so-called “experts” who insist we listen to them have been wrong on almost everything from the beginning.
* We self-sabotaged our economy and stripped ourselves of liberty for what amounts to a paper tiger.
* The government now has a far better idea exactly how far they can push citizens before we push back (and it’s further than any of us previously thought). This isn’t merely a strategy; it is a test.
* There is clearly a coordinated effort to keep us afraid of this virus and afraid of each other in a way that far surpasses common-sense communicable virus mitigation. The media, technocrats, and at least half of our politicians want you to remain terrified (or should I say, terrorized).
* Masks are clearly far less effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19 than social distancing (especially if you are sick), but almost all the PSAs from our Nanny State focus on masks exclusively. I’d suggest this is because without masks there would be no visible reminder in your daily life that you’re supposed to be terrified of something.

* In fact, if it weren’t for media propaganda and the hysteria propagated by politicians, I submit to you we would not know there was a ‘pandemic’ at all. That’s right; without their fear mongering, we might have noticed nothing but a nasty respiratory bug going around, but it would not have struck us as a particularly deadly pandemic.

Read the Whole Article Here///Conspiracy Theory My Ass ….Simon !