Coronavirus Death Lies
Iran official death toll around 17,000
The truth seems rather different
You can be sure many other countries are covering up their true death figures.
Iran official death toll around 17,000
The truth seems rather different
You can be sure many other countries are covering up their true death figures.
It’s a game of cat and mouse
Some places are incentivised to Increase Deaths ( Monitary rewards and Political gain …USA)
Others are incentivised to reduce deaths.
There is no way to be sure who is counting what.
But the fact remains that over 99% of all people who have the virus either do not have symptoms or recover from them.
Even 75% of diagnosed cases of over 80 recover ( and that does not count the ones undiagnosed who just stay home)
Bottom line for me..locking the world down again based on such ambiguous political and financially motivated numbers is lunacy.
What’s really strange is i can present reams of data and studies from credible researchers and Nobel lariates (sp) and front line doctors and investigative reporters and no one who believes primarily in the main Stream narrative is moved to question their beliefs
But One Annonymous Persian Whistle Blower is considered the gospel truth.
The evidence is overwhelming that the fraud and cover ups are on the main Stream side.
We just had evidence that the UK health Gestapo was caught cheating …remember ?
It’s hard to take Covid-19 lightly when, like me, you’ve seen it kill people who would’ve lived many more years and alter the lives of fit, young, healthy people making them unable to work, even after 4 months in recovery. This includes my cousin who is a doctor. Evidence of my own eyes beats anything you can say I’m afraid.