I have come to the conclusion that

1…There is No real scientific Evidence for the Efficacy of masks .
There are som empirical studies “suggesting they “may” be helpful to prevent spreading of viruses.
BUT there are Dozens of peer reviewed ramndomized Studies that “prove” they are NOT !

2…However the vast majority “believe” they “work” and so they”feel”better”putting on eon
from a moral perspective and perceived safety perspective.

3…The Governments / Public Health Czars are erroring on what they believe is the side of caution.

4…In time i am sure it will be shown that they do MORE harm than Good…Physically and Emotionally

5…For now they are a soother so we are stuck with them…even though MOST do not wear them or maintenance them “properly”. Most reuse them , most do not put them on and off after hand washing. etc.

6…They are an ubiquitous reminder that there is a bad Virus out there

