The whack-a-mole boys are at it
big time this morning. Hammering both gold and silver after tremendous action during the night.
My bet is an ugly day in the shares…
big time this morning. Hammering both gold and silver after tremendous action during the night.
My bet is an ugly day in the shares…
Silver – a Dollar up, next time I look – a Dollar down, then a Dollar up. Feels like this thing is going to blow itself apart…
Yes, this is chaos. The markets are speaking. Are we listening?
What do you hear?
I hear that the fabric that holds our society together are disintegrating rapidly. I hear the sound of falling into the abyss.
As with yesterday, so far there is wide disparity in the performance of shares. I go to my Fidelity list of shares to watch and there are some huge gainers, mild gainers, also losers. Even in silver companies there are disparities. It is incongruous for when there are large quoted gains in silver and gold — unless one is to suppose everyone is taking money out of shares to buy silver.
Also, I go to (great timewaster potentially but also a useful little resource if you severely limit your time for quick skims–I don’t belong but do like to glance at it) and see a surprising amount of red or zero share price movement if I hit the Companies tab at a time when the quoted metals prices are up — including for decent companies.
One thing to remember is that many in the current Trump administration as well as in the Federal Reserve bank probably want the US$ to go lower. Or so is my impression.