WTF is going on down there with Virus cases ?

The cases are going “Viral”

Over 50,000 new ones a day but only about 500 deaths on average.

1% of new cases.

Earlier there was an over 10% death to new cases ratio.

Meanwhile up here in Canada

Ontario does 35,000 tests a day and can only find 150 cases and a very few deaths.

In Quebec its even a smaller number and they have been completely open for months now.

Since they opened up the cases have dropped dramatically.

So wtf is going on in the USA

The US media wants to blame opening too soon…but that has NOT affected us up here at all.

Germany has been open for months and their Soccer league is playing daily…no new spike in cases.

Sweden has been open all thru the “pandemic” and they are completely under control now as well.

Maybe they WANT high case rates in the USA ( for political reasons) so they are manufacturing them …We read here that they “amplification” factor on the tests have been turned up…such that infintisimal fragments of RNA can be detected and called positive even though the patient has NO chance of having the infection nor spreading it at these levels.

I don’t know exactly what but Something is Rotten in the Southern USA

Aha…THIS Guy noticed something rotten as well.