“Official” Gold-Silver Ratio
Just read on “Slope of Hope” official worldwide holdings of strategic reserves by countries and financial institutions(like IMF) show Silver being second (by considerable amount to Lithium) with 19.3 billion ounces held collectively. They hold 1.85 billion ounces of gold. By my math the GSR comes to 10.43. Silver is going to rocket!
CM… super interesting.. do you have a link?
You going to watch the GSV webinar it starts now, FWI.
Thanks for reminder.
Arewe sure that all the”official” Silver is a good thing?
It’s an easy source of supply if they want to sell.
I dunno …just asking
How many trillons of all the worlds fiat currencies? If you used silver to back all that paper what do you think the price of silver would be?