Fully’s Good News Corner
Serology ( Antibody ) tests are now common place in many states.
And they are being reported on the sidebar of Worldometer Stats
Interesting how high the kids are !
4.31% overall
Extrapolating for the whole State (21.5 million)
Just under 927,000 people are positive ( have had covid) and recovered based on antibodies
add the 77,000 who tested positive via swab tests and that’s ~ 1 Million
They have had ~3000 deaths
So therefore .3% death rate per infection ( 3 out of 1000 ) in a state where the average age is quite high.
A huge % of the deaths were in the over 80 crowd with co morbidities.
That’s not as serious as first thought when 6% was the number being thrown about .
Take it a logical step further 3,000 deaths in a state with 21.5 million
works out to 1.5 deaths per 100,000 people.
You are More likely to die from a hurricaine if you live in Florida
Good news.
Spread the word
Covid is not as lethal as we “thought”
Which means 99% of tests were negative
Congratulations to 55,400 New Yorkers
Pass it On !
Is there any good basis for knowing what a positive test means?
What is the false positive rate, the false negative rate?
I believe it is you, Fully, who has noted earlier both that exposure to other corona viruses (such as those that can cause colds) can cause a positive result …. and also some protection against COVID-19. Or perhaps I read these assertions elsewhere?
Further down the thought stream….
Pretty early on there was some discussion, especially I believe from China, of the possibility of ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) with COVID-19. This is the phenomenon or proposed phenomenon whereby with dengue fever the 1st bout is not so bad but the 2nd time around antibodies enable the bug to get into the cell and wreak truly bad havoc the 2nd (or 3d) time. There has been suggestion that ADE happens with HIV as well. Talk of ADE seems to have cooled down a bit with COVID-19, but… I wonder about the possibility with COVID-19 both with natural immunity and the *dreaded and evil (scary music)* vaccine.
Just to provide some cloud with which to wrap the silver lining.
Karl…I don’t know why you feel the need to provide some cloud
The clouds are provided all day every day from MSM…all bad news or at best ambiguous news
I am trying to show there are many many positives in the statistics.
It is unambiguously positive that NO Kids died in Florada from Covid 19
Same for the fact that only 1 out of 100,000 residents in Florida died from Covid
Same for the fact that New York State which was the epicenter just 1 month ago is having a very hard time finding any cases.
Sometimes White is White and its crystal clear .
That’s the focus for my Good news posts …not clouds