Is Selenium The Answer? – Preventing and Protecting Against Coronavirus.
” While the world waits on new vaccines, one solution to slowing or preventing the spread of viruses may be something as simple as adequate selenium nutrition.”
“adequate selenium nutrition should be considered as a defense against viral infectious diseases.”
“A publication from 2011 [5] links the evolution and spread of viral infectious diseases (HIV/AIDS, influenzas, SARS, Ebola, Swine Flu, Bird Flu) to areas where soil selenium levels are lower.”
“Adequate selenium nutrition should be considered as a defense against viral infectious diseases.”
Lipinski 2015, Ebola and Selenium: How not to catch the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) | Facebook

Here are some sources for Selenium: Brazil nuts are an excellent source. Airborne Chewable Tablets (Let them melt in your mouth). High in antioxidants (Vitamins A, C & E) and excellent source of Zinc, Selenium, Manganese and Magnesium