This is Eye Opening to say the least.

“After testing 2,300 inmates for the coronavirus, they were shocked. Of the 2,028 who tested positive, close to 95% had no symptoms.”

I am not as sure about the conclusions they are making

Is it not a good thing that 96% of cases are NOT symptomatic ?

This reduces the death rate by multiples.

Do you think “tracking” even makes sense if even a fraction of this many people are walking around in “free” society with the virus and no symptoms ?

As a doctor in a previous video explains …Asymptomatic cases are usually due to a less virulent strain and this is exactly the kind of strain you want to get if you have to get the virus.

More Data from more testing is going to be very interesting.

Again..I agree the response was necessary because of the unknown but if way more people have been infected than we knew ( by multiples) then can we not feel more confident that opening the economy is “safer” than we thought