Protect your wealth now. The spill-over into the banking sector is inevitable. We reportedly came within a few hours of a global banking collapse in 2008. This is worse. Much worse. Stock markets around the planet are approaching the very long term bull market support lines. One will go soon, followed by another, then another. The banks will blow up, taking the entire modern monetary system with it.

Someone please explain to me how we can shut down the whole of Europe for months and not witness total collapse. Please, because I really want to hear it.


The guardian is not a ‘fear-mongering’ publication, and this echoes what I’m hearing through other ‘professional’ sources.

I just came off the phone to a large bullion dealer. She said ‘we have never seen anything like it, it’s crazy‘.

Sit up. Wake up. Take notice. Act.


Edit: The Spanish stock market is staring into the abyss – support has failed. This will be repeated across the whole of Europe. How do you think this might affect the banks ? What about the US stock market ? Is that somehow, miraculously going to see stock valuations avoid further collapse below all remaining support levels ?