My Alternative Swiss Frank Analysis vs NorthStar’s and Patrick’s analysis

I do not see a breakout in the Frank.

The Frank is usually positively co related with Gold

Note the warning about a year and a half before gold Crashed

Now we have Gold taking the lead. Which way (if any) does this resolve ?

This means Gold has been rising while the Frank is doing NOTHING.

This is in keeping with the theme Gold is rising in all currencies .

Which of course means it is becoming THE strongest Currency while all the others

Including the Dollar are crashing and burning

BUT strictly speaking the Swiss Frank is NOT breaking out…it is and has been as flat as a pancake for 5 years .

Look how well behaved it is .

Whenever it reaches the top Bollinger Band it retreats.

It is below the 100 Month MA which is dropping.

This to me is proof that there is a behind the scenes agreement among Major World Currency Operators to keep them all within a small range IF POSSIBLE…and avoid the Race to the Bottom.

Ergo…I don’t think we need to concern ourselves with Currencies any more to determine where Gold is going.