Hi Sir Hawk

For your recent request a perf chart for the various PM ETFs since the June 1 Low.

Can’t go wrong with any of these.

I trade XGD and ZJG because I have Canadian $ Accounts.

AND I love the Components.

I challenge anyone to beat the results one can get from just buying these ETFs vs buying 10 or 20 or 50

PM stocks ….the more you have the more you pay In commissions and the harder it is to bail when things go bad.

It is certainly more rewarding |I suppose to pick and chose and modify and tweak…but it is NOt more profitable IMO.

I know this is blasphemy to many here. I have traded individual stocks for 20 years now….some incredible gains and some incredible losses too.

The individual stories are often very seductive and it is so tempting to jump on when they start to take off.
Invariably you end up losing as momentum wanes.

To each his own …but I am pumped by this strategy

