Noooooo……FULLY YOU $%^&t !…..You’ll ruin a perfectly good Tent !

Easy now. I don’t mean Left vs Right . I don’t care if you are Republican or Democrat or neither…this is important times to pay attention to politics in the USA.

I mean this Trump vs China trade war .

Les face it ….this thing is creating the charts right now.

Trump Tweets and Chinese Phone Calls are what is making or Losing you money on trades.

This is the number One market Moving event right now.

Love Him or hate him Le Grande Orange is all that matters right now.

For how long?

Maybe until the 2020 November Elections .


Then there is another Market making Event Going on.

It is a distant second fiddle at the moment.

Staring the Fed and all Central Banks.

As we know they tried for a couple of years to convince us that the economy is good and they can normalize rates and suspend QE !

Well they didn’t get close to “normal” and now they are in full blown retreat…in a race to negative interest rates.

This second fiddle is actually what started this Gold Move …but now its not important…Trump Trumps it !!


OK….so what do you all think

1…Trump is an out of control idiot and is screwing his own chances of re election.

2….Trump is a stable genius and is calculating when and how to settle this thing BEFORE the election while winning major concessions or at least claiming to do so.

3….The Chinese want Trump out so they will play hard ball and make it impossible for him to make a good deal for

4…The Chinese are in tight with Trump and a deal will be made in which both say they win. And Trump wins re election by a landslide.

5….None of the above

Please choose a number 1 to 5 and enter it in your comments

Then elaborate your thinking on this topic.

We will of course keep it civil.

If not here then where ?


An important extension of this issue….who would be better for Gold and for the General Markets ?

Trump or one of the 20 Democrats ?

I guess if you’re like me and don’t give a crap about who wins because there is no decent choice , you have to hope Democrat…That will likely be gold friendly as they go nucking futz spending and taxing.