Further to Alex33 post.
Quote from Zero Hedge post here:
“If Edwards is correct about the locus of the next mega-bubble, it is very bad news for risk assets as the “global deflationary bust will wreak havoc with financial markets”, prompting Edwards to ask a rhetorical question:”

Below are two charts inverse RINF and a combo chart RINF vs inverse commodity to gold ratio chart. Both charts signal Deflationary event is in motion since 2018.

TSI Blog:

“On this chart the commodity/gold ratio (as opposed to the gold/commodity ratio) is compared to the ProShares Inflation Expectations ETF (RINF). The correlation clearly is strong, with commodities consistently outperforming gold when inflation expectations are rising and underperforming gold when inflation expectations are falling.
An implication of the above charts is that if inflation expectations are close to an intermediate-term bottom then the financial world is close to the start of a 6-12 month period during which the industrial metals perform better than gold. Alternatively, a further decline in inflation expectations (increasing fear of deflation) would lead to additional relative strength in gold.”

Gold and Inflation Expectation