I posted 6 months ago saying ‘You know it, I know it, Wall Street knows it, the Fed knows it. This is the beginning of the end for rate hikes, and the end of the beginning for the PM rally to come.’


Today, Fed Chair Powell has confirmed this to be true. In fact, what he said amounts to an admission that QE to infinity is the new normal


If this doesn’t scare you, it damn well should. It’s an admission that the Dollar will be sacrificed in a fatal, flawed attempt to paper over the cracks and keep the stock market afloat. The resulting crisis will (in my view) dwarf everything that has come before it.

This is why gold is breaking out of 5/6 year basing/consolidation patterns worldwide. When this sinks in, over the next few weeks/months, the Dollar will nosedive and PMs will catch fire. That is my prediction.