I haven’t had a savings account for 40 years or so

40 years ago we could get double digits interest…yes that’s right mellenials !

I actually had something called striped or (zero coupon) bonds which paid like 12% compounded every year

and they were like 20 year bonds.

So they would double in value every 6 years …so more than a quadruple over the 20 years.

Gauranteed..just hold them and that what you get at the end of the term. Doesn’t matter what interest rates do going forward…you still get the 12% appreciation every year ! NOW would anyone take that deal again if they had money in the 70s and 80s ?

Of course that was too boring for me and after 6 years I sold them and I gambled all the profits away by setting up a futures account. Blew it !

So anyhow I decided to see what “Savings Accounts” are doing right now at my bank TD Canada Trust.

Holey Molars ! LOOK at this !


Kids can get .1% on their savings ….that should really help the younger generation become savers eh ?

using the rule of 72 ( google it) it will only take 720 years to double their money

Incredible !!

I’ll stick with trading ….should be able to do better than .1%