Read comments on my last post to see more of these thoughts and discussion.

I’m starting to, in my maybe delusional mind, wonder if there’s a possibility silver isn’t used as a currency, in a NON-Mad Max, non-economic crash future world with debt forgiveness/defaults, a gold backed US dollar, and future world moving towards digital gold backed currency as well? Perhaps a still pretty decent economy not needing portability or trading of goods with silver coins.

I think Trump is going to attempt to pull off a doozy in the next couple years. I think he tried to show with the government shutdown that America can run just fine on “minimal staffing” which will be necessary to live within our means if we default on the debt and shrink government. I think he’s going to do something to help America. He’s the debt/bankruptcy champion that said in early 2016 that America needed him and that he could get us out of our debt problems. Hope he pulls it off… 🙂

I’m wondering if silver goes down in a rising gold backed dollar world? Is that what the charts are saying? What if people realize gold is IT and silver won’t be part of the future economic system and sell their silver en masse?

Or are the silver breakdowns MAJOR FALSE breakdowns which will rocket forward in the future years taking silver to way higher than $50 and make speculation like mine ridiculously laughable in hindsight?