since I can’t post this photo in the reply to Northstar’s post about the U.S. dollar, I’m posting this with a photo. Yes, the U.S. is in the top 10 of countries with a lop-sided debt to GDP ratio. To which one might reply, so what? Most folks here are well aware that the U.S. dollar is literally worthless, but that does not stop those in power from doing what they do best: spend us into oblivion. I still cannot get an answer to this question: if they abandon the dollar, where will they put their money? Will they conduct international trade in Mexican pesos? The EURO (as if anyone can make sense of the value of that myth?) I know, the Russian ruble!! It is all one big con game, there is no currency backed with anything other than law and guns, and until someone unseats the U.S. dollar, or someone brings out a gold-backed currency, the dollar is it for the time being. IMHO, all charts aside, all cycles aside, all feelings aside….. I do believe that at some point in time, we will indeed hit the tipping point and the worldwide depression will descend upon us. But the charts also paint a picture of a possible rally to new highs in the markets, in what is likely a final mania peak. I would not want to be betting against that. sorry for the ramble…chart below is for 2018